Friday, December 16, 2011

a story to share :)

once , a pious man saw the shaitan in his dream 
carrying 4 things :

                 1. a BIG FORK
                 2. DUST
                        3. HONEY
                 4. RED PAINT 

The man asked : "why are you carrying these things?"

shaitan replied : "when someone is reading the Quran , ill poke them with the fork so that they rush reading the Quran and miss out words "

"and when two people sit and backite, ill put honey in their mouths so that theyll enjoy it and do it more"

"and when someone is about to stroke the head of an orphan, ill put dust on it to make it look dirty so they wont want to stroke it"

"and when a woman doesnt wear hijab, ill mark her forehead with red paint as a symbol that shell be my wife on the day of judgement.

nauzubillah !

quran vs satan

Al Quran
each and everyone who practice it
will surely be in peace
and will weaken the satan 
which is our greatest enemy ><

when we bring the Al Quran together with us ,
satan will feel dizzy

when we open the Quran , 
satan will fall

when the satan watch us reading the Quran , 
they will tremble and faint

when the satan watch us practicing the Quran everyday,
they will avoid us since 'malaikat'(i prefer to use this than angels) will always be by our side

when the satan watch us love the Quran,
they will run 

subhanallah ! u see , by just reading the Quran , we can avoid the 'syaitan laknatullah'
brothers and sisters, that is what we want most in life , which is to destroy the satan , and try to reach jannah ^^ 

woman :)

Dear sisters :)

♥ Be like a star, so far that no one can reach you, so bright and shining, guiding people with the light of your good deeds

♥ Be like a pearl, so precious, well protected in your shell (hijab), the only one who can have you is the right husband who would realize your true value and cherish your protected beauty

♥ Be like a closed book, don’t let any man read you except the one whom All
ah has already decreed for you

♥ Don’t be one of the lost deals of any man and don’t be the one he adds to his life’s archive

♥ Don’t turn your heart to a "laboratory" of emotional experiences which end every time with tears and regret and anger from Allah

♥ Don’t try to win a boy’s love and lose Allah’s satisfaction

Monday, December 12, 2011

salam alaik :)
i would like to post about 
the most common mistakes in covering the awrah.

first :
women think that covering aurah is just by wearing hijab .
that's sooo not true , girls . pleaseee , recheck what is our awrah as a woman .

second :
alhamdulillah ! ure wearing hijab ! :D
oh , BUT :(
why are u wearing short sleeves ?
hmm , please get this right . our awrah is our entire body except our face and hand from the wrist till the fingers.
so , why are u still wearing short sleeves dear sisters ?
think about it . 

third :
this is not so common , but there are still some of us who make this mistake which is ,
"oh , u look sweeeet wearing hijab'"
mashaAllah O.O
why does ur sarong have high slits which shows ur legs ?
oh dear :o 

ure wearing hijab . BUT , u wear figure hugging clothes .
u want to wear the skinniest jeans, the smallest shirt,
 till the curves of ur body is soooo obvious .

this happens too .
the hijab ure wearing is too loose until ur hair can be seen
dush ,
again, why do u wear hijab in the first place?

this is common too .
we wear hijab but we just wear it when going to work or school
but , not when we're outside of the house and when going to nearby shops .

this is the most common mistake , ull agree , im suree .
dear sisters , u wear hijab but . .
instead of covering ur chest, u try hard to only cover ur neck .
haiyaaak .
thats not the right way dear ,,

eighth :
subhanallah O.O 
ur hijab is veeeeery beautiful :D
but its alsoooo verrrrrrrryyyyy transparent lahhh .

this is a trend nowadays , 
they dont see anything wrong in it , but
actually , it is soooooooo wrong .
even there is a hadith about this
yupp , its about our 'buns'
please sisters, when u wear hijab
do not raise ur buns .
its sooo wrong .
we want to hide it , not show it 

tenth :
is our prayers accepted if we dont cover our feet?
ahah ! exactly , 
tak sah kann , 
why ?
bacause it is our awrah !
buttt , why do we still not wearing socks ?
isnt it the same as not covering our awrah ?

so dear sisters, please think about it . does islam prohibits us from wearing shawl ?
no , 
we want to look great in people eyes,
but we do not work hard to look great in Allah's eyes .
who will judge us after this ?
are these people who will judge us either we will enter heaven or hell ?
no , Allah is the one .
please , let us change to be a better muslimah.
insyaAllah , we will always be blessed by Him :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

salam alaik blog !

the last post was in june ,
thats quite a long time :o
yepp , ive been busy with what we call
but , alhamdulillah . exactly 3.30 pm yesterday , 
we bio students are freeee. . .eee. . .eee
it felt like a huge heavy box was removed

now , for these upcoming days 
and days
and days 
i cant imagine what im going to do
during this looonggg holiday :O
theres just tooo much :D

of course blog , im not goin to leave u again .
pity u , i know ull miss meeee ;)
whether im working or not 
im not sure .
we must be picky okayy in selecting a job

why did i say so ?
for example , if i chose to work at a store selling clothes
where the women clothes sold there are NOT clothes that covers the aurah , 
i will be dealing with a great sin .
do u think Allah approves the job ?
do u think the salary we get is fully blessed by Him?
yes, its halal . 
but think about it .
u are selling something against islam .

another example is,
about the attire i must wear.
there will be some stores which have their own attires
most of them are short sleeves
wait , not finish yet
u must say 
:pakai inner jelahh --
aha , wearing inner which is almost figure hugging ?
it shows the shape of our hand ?
is that what islam thought us ?
then , u need to tuck them in .
oh noo noo ,
we must cover our back .
and some stores maybe ask us to put aur hijab in the shirt
that is a big NO lahh
everything will be exposed
whats the purpose of wearing a hijab then ?

haa , these are some reasons why must we be picky in finding a job.
we want money , but make sure it is fully blessed by Allah.

thats all for now .
assalamualaikum ^^