Thursday, December 23, 2010

huh -,-

huh ,
please , do understand .
im dealing with more than a problem here ,
u're adding it .
please la .
think about me ,
im not doing it on purpose .
why must you get emotional ?
im the one who should get emotional.
u pushed me
rather than supporting or comforting .
huh .
understand my condition la .
as if i want all this to happen . 
i need my space only for a while .
dissapointed . really .

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

long time no flu

assalamualaikum ,:)
long time no flu and suddeny ,
im sick 
its getting worse, not better
itsokay ,
kafarah dr Allah utk hapuskan dosa
insyaAllah ~
sneezing sneezing sneezing
saket la jugak nose ni ,
but every sneeze , rase lega
hee ~
then ,im enjoying this korean drama
baek seung jo(not his real name)
aww . so cute with short hair 
love it la
this story itself is sooo cute .
i cant keep my eyes away from the lappy la
penangan crite ni kuat sgt
haha ,
thats all for now
continue my task , which is
watch the drama :)
toodles ~

my hero :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

lg sorang -.-

assalamualaikum ,
huh .
sy sgt terasa skrg .
whats ur problem hah . hate it .
benci sgt when dy start buat prngai dy .
rase eee . 
i feel like crying now .
ee .
geram tau .
ckp lain , tp buat lain .
dah la tuuu . forget it laa .
malas na layan .
and sakit demam na dtg , haih .

Sunday, December 19, 2010

oh , love tron :)

assalamualaikum , 
yesterday was fun . :)
slalu pergi ts jea . BORING bhaii .
tuka angin , pegy mid .
uh huh .
naik ktm , da jd sardin .
sgt sardin , i mean sgtsgt sardin .
rimas gila (!)
balik tu lg la , haha .
sy yg last naek . then kne himpit mcm gila dpn pintu tu .
uncle blakang sy pulak ,
mmg perot mcm kusyen .
haha .
ktm tu jalan ja , sy dok bounce kat perot dy .
haha , klaka .
try na elak perot dy .
kesiann la kat dy kan , tp da sempit .
mmg tepakse jd kusyen la perot uncle tu .
nasib la ak ringan .
oke , we watched tron 
oh , uh , huh ,
bes sgt .
we enjoyed it very much ~
and SAM FLYNN , mine . haha .
prasann japp . :)
okay , mse dy tepacul je kat skrin 
me and meera on the same time ckp
"tu pakwe ak"
haha , then berebut 
sgt ta masok akal , bcause ta pnah jumpe pon , 
but , biaselaa . prmpuan . haha . 
then , akak kerja kt stall ni , sgt sombong .
kak , if na sombongsombong , ta pyh kerja la deyy 
mnyakitkan hati =="
then ,
while walking ,
pass through kedai jual musical instruments
then mata meera yg tajam lg bagos
spot abg yg teramat handsome .
haha , 
seriously , na kate malay , ade sikit
korean ade sikit 
mix kot .
serious , handsome . haha .
we actually patah balik , 
second round usha abg tu .
dy tgh main piano . lg laa . haiii .
haha .
and kan its almost christmas , 
so mmg byk la uge teddy jd decoration kat mid tuh 
serious , na curi , bawak balk satu .
haha . comel seyh . 

yg ni yg sy na sgt , comel oh :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

what the heck is ur problem ?

i dont know what teeets problem is .
erghh .
we are being so , absolutely , extra 
patient with teet .
as if nobody else have problems . 
teet thinks teet is the only who has problems .
yes , maybe teet da rimas dgn kitorg kot =="
hek mu .
kalau rimas , ckp deyy .
i have my limits . please la .
my silence does not mean that i can be patient  with ur attitude for a long time.
so ANNOYING (!) 
deal with ur problem wisely ,
jgn smpai org sekeliling jd mangse 
u've changed 360 . 
* psstpsst , bukan pasal kawankawanbaek saye ye . 

not in the mood :(

erghh . 
hhuhh .
derrr .
wicked .
wekkk .
that's all for now .

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

back to school

hari ni , ta penat la
wootwoot . 
hee ~
me , meera , fikry went to 
cari buku budak fikry nie la . haiyee
pilih buku , macam pilih baju .
na pilih buku add math . 
belek satu buku , letak balik 
klua dua buku , letak duedue
klua lg satu , letak semue .
naseb a last dy he made his choice ,
me and meera mmg da snyum ,
tggu mase na cepuk jea tuh , haha . jkjk :)
haha . 
but , fun time la .
mntangmntang spm , so smngt la beli buku .
hee :D
then we bought la duetige bende 
back to school kankan .
but , most of te time , byk gelak jea . haha .
ta saba na bkk skola ?
oh sgt ta . i wonder knp ade budakbudak yg telebih excited na pegi skola .
haih .
stakat na meet friends . derr . =="
sgt tade motif post nih . haha . bosan sgt deyy .
till the nex post . daa~

Monday, December 13, 2010

assalamualaikum ,
tagged by amirah azizi
so these are the 25 facts about me :)

1 . saya sgt gile makan chocolate , i mean sgtsgt . saya boleh habiskan a big bar of chocolate sorgsorg :9

2 . agak pendek utk someone yg bergelar form 5 to be . mmg antare yg terpendek , dan mase photoshoot , cari je kat hujong . mesti saye kat situ ;D

3 . sgt ta suke dnga org mncarut kasar kasar (!) i mean , kasar mlampau pnyela , but kalau yg ben****,b**** normal la kann .

4 . slalu sakit , but thn ni alhamdulillah , kurang sakit . haha.
immune system ta kuat kot . hee ~

5 . agak kurus , makan la banyak macammana ponn . susa deyy na berisi siket . haiyee . sikit pon jadilaaa =="

6 . seriously , sy sgt syg kawankawan baek saye . lagilagi meera amran . 

7 . sgt syg family pengawas saya ♥ ♥  lagilagi yg sekepale dgn saye , hawa zalikha , adilah .

8 . adek perempuan same umur yg sgt cool , haha , sys naza :)

9 . terlalu gila bag . sgt suke kumpul bag dan beli bag . suke sgtsgt . sgt . haha . 

10 . ta suke sukan . its a no no for me . sgt ta suke . tuhla badan ta sehat . derr . but , mmg ta suke sukan . seriously (!)

11 . suke shopping , window shopping ♥  suka gila la :D 

12 . agak slow bile dtg subj math , add math dan sewaktu dgnnye .

13 . agak malas bile smpai mase lipat baju , osok baju . erghh . ta tau la knp ta suke sgt kerja tuh =="

14 . bunyi skema , but biala . suke masok syarahan derr .

15 . membebel is one of my specialties , lagylagy dgn org yg saye da biase . BUT bukan dgn org yg saye baru knal.

16 . utk someone yg bebadan kecik , saye gelak agak kuat okay . lagilagi mase kawan saye buat lawak :D . jd , jgn tekejot , bagi yg ta pnah dnga :)

17 . SELALU kena mabuk 'darat' . haha . dan , kdgkdg ter'puke' dalam kereta . sy ta suke naek krete okay .

18 . ta tahan ayat jiwangjiwang . geli bhaii . tapi suke bace novel . hee . :D

19 . agak gile korea . idaman , na jumpe kim beom and kwon sang woo . taula susah na tecapai , so what . my anganangan :p

20 . bole betindak ganas bile adek saye kacau mlbihlbih =="

21 . sensitif derr . mak saye pnggil sy ning yatimah( ta tau ejaan betol o not) . 

22 . ta suke pakai makeup . bile ma sy pakse jea sy pakai . sbb , rimas kot . sakat compact powder tu okay la kann .

23 . serangge yg TERBANGTERBANG especially lebah , sgt tidak disukai . yg harmless sprt yg terbangterbang kalau hujan tuh slalu ade kat lmpu (ta igt name) . pon ta disukai . biala org ckp ngadengade or what . sy ta suke .faham (!)

24 . getah pon sy sgt anti . lagilagi kalau adek sy na lastik . derr ==" . saket weyh . benci . 

25 . at last , smpai num 25 . sye agak ta photogenic yea . harap maklum . mulot muncongmuncong , bukan kpakaran saye . 

sekian , terima kaseh :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

conngrats (!)

to abg musya and kak aisyah , 
hee . kak aisyah welcome to haji ramlans family
yg sgt becok , hirukpikuk , and mesra alam :)
smoge ur relationship will last forever , insyaAllah ~
the thing i like most , when my cousins get married
is ,
i get to meet my cousins , aunts and uncles .
bukan always we get to gather like this 
and most fav part is to meet all the small budakbudak
i mean it , SANGAT , 
bila dpt gather mcm nih , baru perasan 
yg family sy sgtsgt besar 
haha  .
batrisya , atikah , muhtafiz , adila , rasyidah ,
korang sgt comel ,
erghh .
seriously geram bile tgk diorg .
eventho it was tiring ,
tp i still had fun . sgt meriah today .
12 dec 2010
oh , not to forget ,
smoge afiq jd anak yg soleh yea . hee . 
again ,
♥ congrats abg musya and kak aisyah 

abg musya <3 kak aisyah 

atikah :) 

muhtafiz :)


okie , siket jea gmbar baru . akan diupload kalau byk la ye :)
daaa ~ 

Friday, December 10, 2010

life is not perfect . .

hyee ,
to my pal which is dealing with a major problem,
be strong , Allah is always with you
im confident that ull solve ur problem
its just the matter of time.
listening others problem
made me realize that seriously,
life is not that easy .
a story really touched my heart ,
*na nanges pon ade seyh
this is the first time , i get to know someone like that
who had a hard life
i do hope that the person im talking about
will change .
ill support you no matter what okie 
i know you can change .
azam yg tinggi sgt diperlukan for you to change your life
and ingat Allah bykbyk ye
till the next post,

friendship :)

sometimes friendship has ups and downs,
but , 
we need to deal with it properly
we seriously need to realize that, nobody is perfect .
in friendship ,
the most important thing we need to avoid is 
do not jump into conclusions ,
we need to think and dont just follow our emotions.
best friend is hard to replace . 
eventho i have meera , mai and mira
as my besties .
my best friend nadhirah ,
is still my best friend eventho she moved .
in friendship , 
we need to understand each other .
we'll bond even better when we can understand each other 
im happy that my besties do understand me ,
and i love them .
thank you Allah for the great friends i have

a friend gives hope
when life is low ,
a friend is a place
when you have
nowhere to go ,
a friend is honest ,
a friend is true ,
a friend is precious 
and that my friend
is YOU 

sayangkorangg meera,mai,mira,nad 

hah :o

salam :)
shocked (!) , excited bagaii .
haha .
yesterday, something happened 
yg ta diexpected langsung
amik hang bhs rojak :D
adelaa kan , takan na gtau kat sini kot .
shh ~
haha . mcmmcm rase ade
terkejot :o
tersngih :)
ta sngka . .
*ta tau na buat expression ape . hee .
hah . 
and im smiling all the time yaww .
daa ~

Thursday, December 9, 2010

oh oh kasturi , penad penad .

assalamualaikum ,
haii :)
we meet again  ,
hujanhujan , sejuksejuk . hee . 
okay ,
a tiring day .
kitorang na tgk the exact location of kasturi
derr first time dtg mcm rusa masok . .
jap *lupe pribahase tu .
nama pon  first time dtg , 
so its really hard to find the place .
we were quite exhausted lah .
anyway , jutaan trimekaseh diucapkan 
pakcikguard bangkok bank,
abg kt kdai jual phone,
kakak dkt kasturi L1 
sebab , tolong kitorg .
hee .
not to forget razik , sbb tlg kitorg jugak ~ 
haha . ta blah ayat . 
when we finally found the place  .
na jea buat sujud syukur depann tu .
penad gila lah.
na tusyen punye pasal , snggup 
meredah onak duri 
haha . ayat ta blah :p
spm oh spm . 
anything for u . HAHA . 
daaaa ~

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

yohooo :D

hah .
assalamualaikum (!) :)
today , quite tiring  .
helped ciku naraha clean up 'bilik kaunseling' .
mase da klua smue barang dr stor yg agak kecik tuh ,
mulut tenganga bhaii
*oke,ta tenganga ponn.saje jea , but still tekejot okay .
woah , seriously for a quite small stor ,
there are ton of things in there .
debu tbal brp inci ? erk , sorry ta ukur . :)
but yg pnting bedebu . 
tp tape , we come to save the day . 
haha . 
jd supergirls for today (!)
hee ~
anyway , cikgu thanks for the treat . hee :D
nothing to talk about kot .
okay , till i post again ,
da da da ~


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

7 dec 2010

hah .
assalamualaikum (!)
hee , tiring day . but , still fun lah .
okay td tgk movie .
chopp .
i know most of you watch this movie earlier than me .
and i bru jea na tgk , 
so WHAT ?
asalkan tgk kann . lalala ~
seriously its one of my fav , touching sgt 
time dobby mati , haih . sebaksebak .
hah . anyway , 
thanks mommy for the bag ;D .
hee ~
there's a huge teddy bear just now
comel gilak .
nt i upload the pic eh . satu je pon ,,
sbb .
rmai org na inteframe dkt teddy tuh . haih .
that's all for now .
taraaa ~ 

Monday, December 6, 2010

5 dec 2010 :D

okie dokie .
today , is kak azis happy day
because she's married  .
congrats kak . you seriously look sooo beautiful .
hee :D , jap.
ive just finish reading the novel
seriously, i do enjoy reading it
its a totally  sweet story .
sweet sgtsgt . aww . :)
okay , back to the topic . 
kak azi sgt beautiful harini .
hee ~
purple , cik maisarah's fav colour . 
pulak tuh , 
harini first day na try melaram 
*haha . pakai slendang .
beginner nih . 
susah gile ak na belit =="
mase yg diperuntukkan na belit tuh ,
tapela ,let it be my secret .
quite embarassing lah . 
hee :D
but , i think im more comfortable in tudung bawal
all time favourite
*cewaa . hee 
 below ni some picts .
ta byk lg .
kalau da byk akn dimaskkan lg ea :)

kak azi cun . aww . 

husband and wife <3

empatsekawansehatisejiwe . hee .

Friday, December 3, 2010

confused ?

zam zam alakazam (did i got the spelling rite ? wutever ,
 okay . in a day , i posted more than one post
 this means that im so bored .
extremely bored .
my days are filled with boredom =="
 im confused because , jeng jeng . 
back to zamzamalakazam .
 which one will i choose ? 
hah . a very good question ,
 but .. oh NO . i still cant get the answer . ==" .
 hmm . kalau kesian , mmg smpai kucing bejanggut pon ak ta dpt jawapan kan . 
*oke , kucing betanduk . saje je tukar .
 biala kan kan . :p . 
focus seyh , focus . which one?
 ... haiyeee . SAYASANGATSENGAL . yupp
 . if im given a choice , can i not choose ?
 oh oh oh . 
it will be much easier if my three trustful besties are in front 
of me .
 haha . :D . tp , jengjeng .
 i think i goota clue  .
 yes .
 its coming to me . warmer . warmer . warmer . 
and (!) nooo . still ta dpt jugak .
 chill . 
relaks , take my own sweet time .
 :D . 
jgn tension tension okay .
 keep thinking , keep thinking thinking thinking . 
and you'll get the answer dude . ;D

muke ta pyh tension walaupon thinking . cool mcm mr diatas ;D