Friday, December 3, 2010

confused ?

zam zam alakazam (did i got the spelling rite ? wutever ,
 okay . in a day , i posted more than one post
 this means that im so bored .
extremely bored .
my days are filled with boredom =="
 im confused because , jeng jeng . 
back to zamzamalakazam .
 which one will i choose ? 
hah . a very good question ,
 but .. oh NO . i still cant get the answer . ==" .
 hmm . kalau kesian , mmg smpai kucing bejanggut pon ak ta dpt jawapan kan . 
*oke , kucing betanduk . saje je tukar .
 biala kan kan . :p . 
focus seyh , focus . which one?
 ... haiyeee . SAYASANGATSENGAL . yupp
 . if im given a choice , can i not choose ?
 oh oh oh . 
it will be much easier if my three trustful besties are in front 
of me .
 haha . :D . tp , jengjeng .
 i think i goota clue  .
 yes .
 its coming to me . warmer . warmer . warmer . 
and (!) nooo . still ta dpt jugak .
 chill . 
relaks , take my own sweet time .
 :D . 
jgn tension tension okay .
 keep thinking , keep thinking thinking thinking . 
and you'll get the answer dude . ;D

muke ta pyh tension walaupon thinking . cool mcm mr diatas ;D