Tuesday, December 7, 2010

7 dec 2010

hah .
assalamualaikum (!)
hee , tiring day . but , still fun lah .
okay td tgk movie .
chopp .
i know most of you watch this movie earlier than me .
and i bru jea na tgk , 
so WHAT ?
asalkan tgk kann . lalala ~
seriously its one of my fav , touching sgt 
time dobby mati , haih . sebaksebak .
hah . anyway , 
thanks mommy for the bag ;D .
hee ~
there's a huge teddy bear just now
comel gilak .
nt i upload the pic eh . satu je pon ,,
sbb .
rmai org na inteframe dkt teddy tuh . haih .
that's all for now .
taraaa ~