Friday, December 10, 2010

friendship :)

sometimes friendship has ups and downs,
but , 
we need to deal with it properly
we seriously need to realize that, nobody is perfect .
in friendship ,
the most important thing we need to avoid is 
do not jump into conclusions ,
we need to think and dont just follow our emotions.
best friend is hard to replace . 
eventho i have meera , mai and mira
as my besties .
my best friend nadhirah ,
is still my best friend eventho she moved .
in friendship , 
we need to understand each other .
we'll bond even better when we can understand each other 
im happy that my besties do understand me ,
and i love them .
thank you Allah for the great friends i have

a friend gives hope
when life is low ,
a friend is a place
when you have
nowhere to go ,
a friend is honest ,
a friend is true ,
a friend is precious 
and that my friend
is YOU 

sayangkorangg meera,mai,mira,nad